Tag Archives: A PLUS Act

The Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth

The issues facing foster youth and youth transitioning from foster care to independence have made it to the Congressional agenda. Four Representatives – Karen Bass of California, Tom Marino of Pennsylvania, Jim McDermott of Washington, and Michele Bachmann of Minnesota – created the bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth to examine the child welfare system.

The Caucus will delve into the challenges facing foster youth, and develop policy recommendations in five focus areas:  Safety; Permanency; Well Being; Educational Opportunities; and Youth, Family, and Community Engagement.

In June, the Caucus invited 40 former and current foster youth to participate in a “Shadow Day on Capitol Hill” and a Town Hall meeting. Members also introduced their first legislative initiative: the A+ PLUS Act. The measure focuses on improving the educational experiences and outcomes for youth in foster care. It would override some provisions of existing education and privacy laws, which do not allow temporary guardians or child welfare agencies to access students’ educational records. This hinders their ability to address issues regarding school enrollment, or to advocate for youth in care within the schools. The A+ PLUS Act would give these individuals automatic access to student records.

Caucus members are also holding a national “Listening Tour”, which will allow them to meet with current and former foster youth across the country. For more information about the Caucus, please visit its website at http://fosteryouthcaucus-karenbass.house.gov/.

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